Scar Treatments/Dermabrasion

Effective treatment to correct skin flaws and lighten imperfections giving an improved look

Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion are skin-resurfacing treatments that remove dead skin cells which make the skin smoother and younger looking. Both cosmetic procedures are exfoliating techniques intended to reduce the appearance of fine lines, remove acne scarring, eliminate sun damage and skin discolouration, and treat many other conditions.

Despite both procedures targeting similar issues, one may be more effective than the other for different issues or skin tones. Therefore it is important to pinpoint your personal goals with one of our expert consultant dermatologists or plastic surgeons.

At The London Scar Clinic we will ensure you receive the most effective treatment for your individual needs and desired outcomes. One of our expert consultant dermatologists will construct a plan for your dermabrasion or microdermabrasion treatment in order to best meet your personal goals for your skin type.

Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion have many benefits and are effective treatments to correct a variety of skin flaws on the face and other areas of the body. They are both effective in reducing the appearance of lines, wrinkles, scars and age spots.  

The dermabrasion procedure is a more invasive treatment than microdermabrasion. Dermabrasion involves removing the top layers of the skin promoting the growth of new skin cells and revealing the youthful skin underneath these layers.

Due to the more invasive nature of dermabrasion, you will be under local anaesthetic as it can cause more discomfort than microdermabrasion. The recovery time and healing process for dermabrasion tends to be slightly longer than that of microdermabrasion.

The microdermabrasion procedure is a non-invasive procedure which removes dead skin on the surface of the face. It is a much lighter exfoliation technique than dermabrasion and only removes dead skin cells, preserving others in the area. As a result of this much lighter technique, the recovery time is minimal, and you should not experience much discomfort surrounding the area that was treated post-treatment.

During dermabrasion, an abrasive motorised device is moved across the skin in order to remove the upper layers of the skin. The procedure can take a few minutes to over an hour depending on the size of the area being treated.

During microdermabrasion, the outer layer of the skin is penetrated with fine crystals to remove dead skin cells which are then removed using a vacuum. Microdermabrasion takes around 30 minutes, again depending on the size of the area being treated.  

During dermabrasion you will receive a local anaesthetic and therefore no pain or discomfort should be felt during the procedure. Afterwards, there may be discomfort for a few days. However, this will most likely just be sensitivity and may be similar to the feeling of sunburn. During microdermabrasion, you may feel some very mild discomfort.

It depends entirely on your personal concerns and goals as to which treatment is better. Dermaplaning removes the top layers of the skin and is less invasive than dermabrasion. Dermabrasion may be more effective in treating skin concerns affecting the lower layers of the skin as it works to treat much deeper layers of the skin. However, dermaplaning is only really effective on the upper layers of the skin.

woman patient smiling while doctor holding her head

Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion can cause a few different side effects. Following both procedures, your skin is likely to be quite sensitive. You may also experience some redness and swelling as your skin works to heal the areas subjected to the areas treated.

The price for dermabrasion or microdermabrasion starts from approximately £675 which includes both consultant and facility fees. The total cost will be confirmed following the initial consultation.
