If you’ve had chickenpox, you’re probably familiar with the itchy, red blisters that characterise this common illness. Caused by the varicella-zoster virus, chickenpox often leaves behind a lasting reminder of its presence: chickenpox scars.

Chickenpox scars form when the skin’s healing process is disrupted, resulting in atrophic or sunken scars that can be a source of discomfort or self-consciousness. Fortunately, numerous chickenpox scar treatments are available, including laser therapy and chemical peels.

This blog post will help you understand how to eliminate chickenpox scars, exploring various treatment options and prevention methods. We’ll delve into the factors that influence scar formation, discuss different types of scars, and provide a comprehensive guide to effectively managing and treating chickenpox scars. Whether you seek to remove chickenpox scars or prevent them from forming, read on to discover how to take control of your skin’s health.

Understanding Chickenpox Scars

Before diving into chickenpox scar treatment, it is essential to understand what chickenpox scars are and how they form. By understanding the different types of scars which can develop, such as pitted or pigmented scars, and the factors that influence scar formation, you’ll be well-equipped to treat chickenpox scars effectively and regain control of your skin’s health.

What Are Chickenpox Scars?

Chickenpox scars are the aftereffects of a common childhood illness caused by the varicella-zoster virus. This virus triggers an outbreak of itchy, red blisters that often lead to scratching. The scratching, coupled with the skin’s natural healing process, often results in scarring. These scars are typically called chickenpox scars and can serve as a lasting reminder of the infection. The appearance of these scars can vary widely depending on the severity of the initial skin damage and the individual’s skin type and healing capability.

Pitted chickenpox scars

There are several different types of chickenpox scars, each with distinct characteristics. One of the most common types are pitted scars, also called atrophic or sunken. Small indentations in the skin characterise these scars which occur due to the loss of collagen during the healing process. Collagen, a protein, is crucial in maintaining the skin’s structure. It is when collagen is damaged or diminished during healing process that these distinctive pitted scars form.

Pigmented chickenpox scar

Another type of chickenpox scar is the pigmented scar. Pigmented scars occur due to an imbalance in the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for the colour of our skin, hair, and eyes. When melanin is overproduced or underproduced during the skin’s healing process, it can lead to scars which are darker (hyperpigmented) or lighter (hypopigmented) than the surrounding skin.

Each type of scar may respond differently to various treatments, ranging from over-the-counter topical creams to more intensive dermatological procedures such as laser therapy, chemical peels, or surgical options. By understanding the different types of scars and their causes, you can make informed decisions about the best treatment for your chickenpox scars. It also allows you to tailor your scar removal efforts and take proactive steps towards improving your skin’s health and appearance.

Factors Influencing Scar Formation

Genetic factors and skin type can significantly influence the formation of chickenpox scars. Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to scarring more quickly or severely than others. For instance, those with darker skin types are often more susceptible to hyperpigmentation, which can result in darker scars. On the other hand, those with lighter skin types may experience hypopigmentation, leading to lighter scars. The way your skin heals is largely dependent on your genetic makeup.

Severity of Infection

The severity of the initial chickenpox infection also plays a significant role in scar formation. A more severe illness can lead to deeper and more inflamed blisters, which are more likely to result in significant scarring. The varicella-zoster virus, which causes chickenpox, can cause varying degrees of severity in different individuals, influencing the extent of scarring.

Scratching and Improper Care on Scarring

Scratching the itchy blisters of chickenpox is a primary cause of scar formation. Scratching damages the skin further and introduces bacteria that can lead to infection, aggravating the skin’s healing process and exacerbating scarring.

Improper skin care during the infection can also lead to more severe scarring. Keeping the skin clean and moisturised supports its natural healing process. Using products that promote collagen production can also help minimise the formation of pitted or sunken scars.

Understanding the factors that influence scar formation can help guide effective treatment strategies for chickenpox scars and inform preventative measures to minimise scarring.

Treatment Options for Chickenpox Scars

Now that you have a better understanding of what chickenpox scars are and how they form, it’s time to explore various treatment options. These options range from at-home topical treatments to more intensive dermatological procedures. In some cases, surgical options may be considered. Let’s take a closer look at these treatments and how they can help reduce the appearance of chickenpox scars.

Topical Treatments

The first line of defence in treating chickenpox scars often involves topical treatments applied directly to the skin. These treatments can be particularly effective for mild to moderate scars and are usually the first step in a comprehensive scar management plan.

Creams and ointments, such as those containing glycolic acid or other skin-friendly acids, can help exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin, reducing the appearance of scars. These topical scar treatments often promote the production of collagen, a protein that plays a critical role in maintaining the skin’s structure. These creams and ointments can help smooth out pitted or sunken scars and improve overall skin texture by bolstering collagen production.

Consistent use of these topical treatments and sun protection, together with a good skincare routine, can significantly improve the appearance of chickenpox scars. However, it’s important to remember that results can take time and patience is vital in scar treatment.

Dermatological Procedures

Dermatological procedures are often necessary for more severe chickenpox scars.


Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure involving tiny crystals to exfoliate and remove the outer layer of dry, dead skin cells. This process helps to stimulate collagen production and skin renewal, reducing the appearance of pitted or sunken chickenpox scars. While multiple sessions may be required to achieve desired results, microdermabrasion is popular due to its minimal downtime and ability to improve overall skin texture and appearance.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels work by applying a solution to the skin that causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off. The new, regenerated skin is smoother and less scarred. The strength of the peel can be adjusted to match the severity of the scars, and the procedure is often used in conjunction with other treatments to maximise results. Chemical peels can be particularly effective for treating pigmented chickenpox scars as they can help balance melanin production and even out skin tone.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy, or laser resurfacing, is a more intensive treatment option that directs concentrated pulsating beams of light at irregular skin, precisely removing skin layer by layer. This popular procedure stimulates the production of new skin cells and collagen, helping fill in pitted scars or even pigmented ones. This therapy can significantly reduce the appearance of chickenpox scars and improve the skin’s overall texture and tone.

Surgical options

Surgical options may be considered for more severe scars or scars that do not respond to other treatments. These procedures, performed by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, can significantly reduce the appearance of chickenpox scars, improving the skin’s texture and appearance.

Punch Excision

One such surgical option is punch excision. This procedure involves using a small, round, cookie-cutter-like tool to cut out individual chickenpox scars. The skin is then stitched back together, which can result in a smoother appearance. Punch excision is often used for deep pitted scars, as it can effectively remove these difficult-to-treat scars.


Another surgical option for treating chickenpox scars is subcision. This procedure involves separating the scar tissue from the deeper skin layers and in many cases is combined with other modalities including lasers and fat grafting Subcision can be a very effective treatment for rolling scars and significantly improve the skin’s appearance.

Prevention of Chickenpox Scars

Preventing chickenpox scars is far more straightforward than treating them. Several strategies can be employed to minimise the risk of scarring.

Importance of Preventing Scratching

Scratching is one of the primary causes of chickenpox scars. The itchy blisters caused by the varicella-zoster virus can be incredibly tempting to scratch, but doing so can severely damage the skin, leading to scarring. Remedies to soothe the itchiness, such as aloe vera or cooling lotions, can help alleviate the urge to scratch, thus preventing the formation of scars.

Proper Wound Care During Chickenpox Infection

Proper skin care during a chickenpox infection is crucial in preventing scarring. This includes keeping the skin clean and moisturised to support its natural healing process. It’s also helpful to use products that promote collagen production, as collagen is vital in maintaining the skin’s structure. When collagen production is encouraged during the healing process, the formation of atrophic or sunken scars can be minimised.

Vaccination Against Chickenpox

One of the most effective ways to prevent chickenpox scars is by preventing chickenpox itself. Vaccination against the varicella-zoster virus is an effective method to prevent the disease. If you avoid contracting chickenpox, you avoid the risk of developing chickenpox scars.

Early Intervention and Treatment of Chickenpox Symptoms

Early intervention and treatment of chickenpox symptoms can also help prevent scarring. This includes seeking medical advice when symptoms appear and following the prescribed treatment plan. If the symptoms of chickenpox are managed effectively, the severity of the infection can be reduced, reducing the likelihood of severe scarring.

By following these preventive measures, it’s possible to either prevent chickenpox scars altogether or reduce the severity of the scars that do form. Remember: early intervention and proper care are key to chickenpox scar prevention.

Living with Chickenpox Scars

Living with chickenpox scars can sometimes be a challenging experience, especially if the wounds are extensive or located in visible areas. Such clear reminders of a past illness can have a significant psychological impact, leading to decreased self-esteem or self-confidence. In more severe cases, individuals may even develop symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Therapy or counselling can be precious in providing tools for coping with the emotional aspects of living with scars. Support groups, both in-person and online, can offer a sense of community and understanding. These groups bring together individuals with similar experiences, providing a platform for shared stories, advice, and encouragement. This shared experience can be comforting and help you feel less alone in your journey.

Self-care activities are another essential element in managing the impact of scars. These could include exercise, which can boost your mood and give you a sense of accomplishment, or meditation, which can help you manage stress and achieve a more positive outlook. Pursuing hobbies you love, whether that’s painting, playing music, or walking, can provide a welcome distraction and boost your overall mood.

Finally, it’s important to remember that chickenpox scars, like any other scars, are a sign that your body has successfully fought off an infection. They’re a testament to your strength and resilience and nothing to be ashamed of. If you ever find yourself struggling to cope with the psychological impact of scars, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. There are many available sources, from therapists to support groups, which can provide valuable assistance. You’re not alone, and help is available whenever you need it.


Chickenpox scars, a result of the varicella-zoster virus, vary in form and are influenced by genetics, infection severity, and skin care during healing.

Treatments for these scars span from creams to surgical procedures, but results may vary. Prevention, such as avoiding scratching, good skin care during infection, and vaccination, is more straightforward than treatment.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Whether you’re looking for treatments to reduce the appearance of your scars or seeking ways to cope with the psychological impact, the first step is reaching out for help.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at The London Scar Clinic. Our team of experts is ready to provide comprehensive care tailored to your needs. Contact us today to start your journey towards healthier skin and a happier you.
